Stack Overflow Intro
TyeYeah Lv4

Concise Challenge-Oriented stack overflow introduction.

Stack Introduction

It is a LIFO (Last in First Out) data structure, and basic operations include pop and push.
There are more kinds of complex stack in data structure, the operations are more than just pop and push. But neither of them is the stack of operating system, OS uses the basic one. BTW stack grows from high address to low address.

Besides stack, OS has register to store things

The stack serves for storing variables and function frames, can be called call stack as well. When storing function frames, program has to consider storing function parameters, variables and their order; old ebp/rbp for recovering previous frame; return addr to return after exiting current function.

The classic layout for function call stack is:
The layout when it needs to store some register on stack is:
A stack frame can be like:

Should caller function store the parameters/arguments, or should callee do?
Store them from left to right, or from right to left?
They are specified in the calling convention:

Call method Arg stack order Arg location Func to clean stack Variable arg support Func name format Start of arg list
stdcall (Win32) right to left stack callee no _name@number “@@YG”
cdecl right to left stack caller yes _name “@@YA”
fastcall right to left, arg1 in ecx, arg2 in edx stack, registers callee no @name@number “@@YI”
thiscall (C++) right to left, pointer ‘this’ in ecx stack, registers, ecx callee no
naked call customize customize customize customize customize customize

Note: what we are talking above are in 32-bit, in 64-bit the first 6 arguments of called function are saved in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8 and r9 in order.

Stack Overflow

Stack buffer overflow happens when program writes bytes to stack beyond variable’s original size.

In 32-bit if we have a variable s to overflow

High addr                                  +-----------------+
| retaddr |
| saved ebp |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Low addr s(ebp-offset)-->+-----------------+

We write offset*'a' + 'bbbb' + target_addr, it will be like

High addr                                  +-----------------+
| target_addr |
| 'bbbb' |
| |
| offset |
| * |
| 'a' |
| |
| |
Low addr s(ebp-offset)-->+-----------------+

So when this function return it will return to execute codes at target_addr.

vulnerable function includes:

  • Input
    • gets, read a line, neglect \x00
    • scanf
    • vscanf
  • Output
    • sprintf
  • String
    • strcpy, string copy, stop when meet \x00
    • strcat, string concatenate, stop when meet \x00
    • bcopy

Determine padding length:

  • Index related to ebp, check directly
  • Index related to esp, needs debugging
  • Direct address index, which gives the address

To overflow we have some choices:

  • overflow return address
  • overflow some variable on stack
  • overflow some variable on bss
  • overflow some special address


ROP(Return Oriented Programming) is based on stack overflow, try to use useful code gadgets in the program to control execution flow.
Gadgets looks like: pop rdi ; ret, add ecx, ecx ; ret and mov ebx, dword ptr [esp] ; ret.
They should end with a ret so that every gadget can execute one by one.

There are also many types of it:

  • Basic part
    • ret2text : return to codes in .text
    • ret2shellcode : return to execute your input shellcode
    • ret2syscall : return to execute system call like execve
    • ret2libc : return to execute func in libc (need to leak base addr)
  • Intermediate
    • ret2csu : using gadgets in __libc_csu_init in 64-bit
    • ret2reg : search call/jmp reg to return, inject shellcode to where reg points to
    • BROP : Blind ROP, paper and slide,
      attack without source code and binary file
  • Advanced
    • ret2_dl_runtime_resolve : exploit _dl_runtime_resolve(link_map_obj, reloc_index) (dynamic link)
    • SROP : Sigreturn Oriented Programming, paper and slide,
      signature is a syscall called in signal mechanism of UNIX-like system
    • ret2VDSO : Virtual Dynamically-linked Shared Object,
      some kernel state call are mapped to user state to run faster,
      intel cpu: sysenter, sysexit
      amd cpu: syscall, sysret

Related challenge collections of mine (ADWorld series):
ADWorld PWN Exercise Area Write-ups (ROP Part)
ADWorld PWN Challenge Area Write-ups (ret2text Part)
ADWorld PWN Challenge Area Write-ups (ret2libc Part)
ADWorld PWN Challenge Area Write-ups (Advanced ROP)

There are also JOP(Jump-oriented programming) and COP(Call-oriented programming), which have similar feature to control program flow.

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